At JFO we believe that when it comes to caring for children in need, knowledge is power. Every child we serve has their own set of struggles and challenges to overcome. We offer a variety of trainings to equip you to better understand and care for people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Studies have shown that poverty affects children and families involved with child welfare at a disproportionate rate. We at JFO believe that in order to care for vulnerable families with empathy and compassion, we must first seek to understand the struggles they face. JFO offers a variety of trainings designed to inform and educate you about poverty and its impact. Click here to learn more.
Meet Our Trainer:
Sandra Flach

Sandra Flach is a mother of eight children, five through adoption—one kinship and four international. Her youngest two are teens diagnosed with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). To learn more about her personal journey visit sandraflach.com
Sandra is a certified facilitator of the FASCETS Neuro-Behavioral Model and leads the Hope for the FASD Journey Community—a support group for parents and caregivers of individuals with an FASD. She also hosts the weekly Adoption & Foster Care Journey podcast.
If you are interested in learning more or hiring one of our professional trainers please CLICK HERE
Trainings We Offer
This is a list of the trainings that JFO offers. We now offer CEUs for licensed NY State social workers and other qualifying professionals. If you'd like to host a training, please reach out to Sandra Flach to discuss the details, schedule, and cost. For trainings that are currently being offered, please visit our registration page.

Led by Sandra Flach, CEU eligible
The FASD workshops cover the impact of prenatal exposure to alcohol on the brain, symptoms of FASD, and accommodations and strengths-based strategies. This 90 minute training is offered online and in-person and is perfect for parents, caregivers, and professionals.