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Led by 2 adoptive moms living the experience

Hope for the FASD Journey is a faith-based support community for parents and caregivers of individuals prenatally exposed to alcohol and other substances. Led by Debbie Raymond, a certified facilitator of the FASCETS Neurobehavioral Model and Sandra Flach of the Adoption & Foster Care Journey Podcast— 2 moms living the FASD experience. With more than 20 years of adoptive parenting each, Natalie & Sandra offer abundant knowledge and resources to provide hope to families on this journey. 


Debbie Raymond, certified facilitator of the FASCETS Neurobehavioral Model


Sandra Flach, host of the Adoption & Foster Care Journey Podcast

$15 Monthly Membership in the
Hope for the FASD Journey

  • Monthly Support Group

Bi-monthly virtual support group on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 8 p.m. eastern
time via Zoom.

  • Private Facebook Group

Access to a private Facebook Group providing interation with other community members 24/7.

  • Soul Care Saturdays

A weekly Saturday video devotional led by Natalie and Sandra.

  • VIP Conversations

VIP Conversations 1x per month interactive conversation on the 2nd
Tuesday with a special guest via Zoom.

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