Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a brain-based lifelong physical condition that can affect the brain and body of people who were exposed to alcohol in the womb.

As many as 1 in 20 children in the United States has an FASD. Children with FASD are highly overrepresented in the child welfare system—including foster care. On average, a child with an FASD is 17-19 times more likely to be in the child welfare system. In the US, nearly 90% of children with an FASD are either misdiagnosed or undiagnosed.
Prenatal exposure to alcohol impacts each person differently. Because FASD is an invisible physical brain-based condition, you cannot tell just by looking at the individual. What you may notice are the symptoms of how their brains work differently. For example, depending on the individual: academic struggles, difficulty remembering, acting younger than their chronological age, impulsivity, easily overwhelmed by different sensory input, needing more time processing information, and executive function challenges.
JFO is an FASD United Affiliate
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (Booklet)
In this booklet, written by Executive Director, Sandra Flah, you’ll find out exactly what Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder means. You’ll learn the risks of prenatal alcohol exposure, the signs and symptoms of the condition and some of the things that can be done to counteract its negative effects. You’ll also be introduced to new parenting and educational strategies designed to meet the problem head-on.

Intro to FASD: This introductory presentation covers the impact of prenatal exposure to alcohol on the brain, symptoms of FASD, and accommodations and strengths-based strategies. This 90 minute training is offered online and in-person and is perfect for parents, caregivers, and professionals.​
2-hour FASD Workshop: Introduction to the FASCETS FA/NB Model.
3-hour Session FASD Deep Dive: Neurobehavioral Conditions Including FASD—Understanding & Application of the FASCETS Brain-Based Approach.
1 day Session (6hr) Neurobehavioral Conditions Including FASD— Understanding & Application of the FASCETS Brain-Based Approach.
2 day Session (12hr) Neurobehavioral Conditions Including FASD— Understanding & Application of the FASCETS Brain-Based Approach.
3 day Session (18hr) Deep Dive: Neurobehavioral Conditions Including FASD—Understanding & Application of the FASCETS Brain-Based Approach.
Now Offering FASD Coaching
This is a personalized 60-minute one-on-one session designed for Sandra to understand your family's experience with FASD. During this call, Sandra will tailor the conversation to your preferences and needs. Feel free to bring any questions or concerns you may have, and she will provide guidance on resources and initial strategies that align with your family's specific requirements.
Email Sandra Flach to schedule your first session: sandraflach@justicefororphansny.org
If you are interested in learning more or hiring one of our professional trainers please CLICK HERE

Parenting children prenatally exposed to alcohol can be a very lonely and isolating road. The symptoms and struggles are only understood by those of us on the journey. That’s why JFO is offering parents and caregivers membership into the faith-based Hope for the FASD Journey community.

FASD Resources
Trying Differently Rather Than Harder
by Diane Malbin
Guided Growth
by Dr. Ira Chasnoff
The Connected Child
by Dr. Karyn Purvis
Blazing New Homeschool Trails
by Natalie Vecchione & Cindy LaJoy
by Rebecca Tillou
Orphans No More -
A Journey Back to the Father
by Sandra Flach
FASD AWARENESS: Essentials for Foster and Adoptive Parents
by Sandra Flach
Free Fact Sheet:
Brain Tasks
The Adoption & Foster Care Journey hosted by Sandra Flach
hosted by Natalie Vecchione
FASD Family Life
hosted by Robbie Seale
FASD Success
hosted by Jeff Noble